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دانلود پریست لایت روم ۹ عددی موبایل : Unicorn Magic Mobile Presets

دانلود  پریست لایت روم ( لایتروم ) ۹ عددی  بنام creativemarket 9 Unicorn Magic Mobile Presets از شرکت معتبر   creativemarket قابل استفاده در لایتروم موبایل

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دانلود پریست لایت روم 9 عددی موبایل : Unicorn Magic Mobile Presets
دانلود پریست لایت روم ۹ عددی موبایل : Unicorn Magic Mobile Presets


دانلود پریست لایت روم 9 عددی موبایل : Unicorn Magic Mobile Presets
دانلود پریست لایت روم ۹ عددی موبایل : Unicorn Magic Mobile Presets

توضیحات به زبان انگلیسی از سایت سازنده :


۵ Lightroom MOBILE Presets (DNG)
Uses FREE Lightroom mobile app that works with & WITHOUT Adobe subscription
You will need to have the Lightroom CC app installed
Detailed PDF instructions for preset install
Access to Dropbox folder containing presets
Purchase files must be opened on DESKTOP computer (compressed ZIP folder)


Unicorn Magic (Original)
Dainty Pink
Cool Pink
Blush Tones
Warm & Rich


Create stunning Instagram edits with ease!

The UNICORN MAGIC MOBILE Presets include 5 Lightroom CC photo editing filters that will add dreamy pink tones to your iPhone imagery.
This mini bundle is PERFECT for Instagram Influencers, lifestyle bloggers & creatives who are looking to take their photography to the next level in just one click.

These preset edits have a dreamy, pink feel to them. Use these filters to get the perfect Instagram feed in minutes.


This listing includes a detailed PDF guide with step-by-step instructions (including screenshots) on how to set up your Lightroom Mobile presets.
This guide includes links that will take you directly to the folder containing your DNG presets. The DNG files are included in the listing purchase as well.
Please note, however, that you will need to be on a DESKTOP computer to open the compressed ZIP folder included with this listing.


Please keep in mind that you will likely need to tweak your edit slightly based on your photo, camera settings, lighting conditions, etc.
To help guide you, I’ve included a few FREE Lightroom editing tips with this listing.
I’ve also included 4 additional variations of the Original preset to help get you the best photo edit possible!
Please note: the 5 presets are not meant to have a drastic difference between them.
The options exist to provide you with additional exposure, temperature & color adjustments; you can choose from these based on your personal preference.
PLEASE NOTE: This preset collection may not work well on the following type of images:

Underexposed Images.
Overexposed Images.
Low-Quality Images

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دانلود پریست لایت روم 9 عددی موبایل : Unicorn Magic Mobile Presets
دانلود پریست لایت روم ۹ عددی موبایل : Unicorn Magic Mobile Presets

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