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دانلود ۱۰ پریست لایت روم : Christmas Lightroom Presets V1

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دانلود مجموعه ۱۰ عددی بینظیر از پریست لایت روم بنام  Christmas Lightroom Presets V1 از شرکت معتبر creativemarket  قابل استفاده در لایت روم

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دانلود 10 پریست لایت روم : Christmas Lightroom Presets V1
دانلود ۱۰ پریست لایت روم : Christmas Lightroom Presets V1


دانلود 10 پریست لایت روم : Christmas Lightroom Presets V1
دانلود ۱۰ پریست لایت روم : Christmas Lightroom Presets V1

توضیحات زبان انگلیسی از سایت سازنده :


Deck the halls and stuff your stockings with these one of a kind Christmas style Lightroom presets.

During the holiday season, its best to spend more time with your family and less time tinkering around with all of those confusing settings in Adobe Lightroom
Add that Christmas spirit to your photos this season without compromise!

Christmas Volume 1 includes 10 one-click Lightroom presets, with a variety of different cheerful tones and effects.

Features & Benefits

۱۰ premium Lightroom presets
Compatible with Lightroom 4 & 5+
Hassle-free installation instructions
Easily modify presets to fit your photos
Works with RAW and JPEG images

Why Presetual Over The Competitors?

Our Presets are vigorously tested by real-world photographers
We spend countless hours crafting each individual preset
We have an exchange program in place if you are not happy with your purchase
Preset creation is community driven – if you have suggestions, contact us 🙂

Included Presets :

Candy Cane

سبد خرید

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دانلود 10 پریست لایت روم : Christmas Lightroom Presets V1
دانلود ۱۰ پریست لایت روم : Christmas Lightroom Presets V1

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