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دانلود ۱۰ پریست لایت روم : HDR PRO 10 Lightroom Presets

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دانلود 10 پریست لایت روم  HDR PRO 10 Lightroom Presets
دانلود ۱۰ پریست لایت روم HDR PRO 10 Lightroom Presets


دانلود 10 پریست لایت روم  HDR PRO 10 Lightroom Presets
دانلود ۱۰ پریست لایت روم HDR PRO 10 Lightroom Presets

توضیحات زبان انگلیسی از سایت سازنده :


۱۰ HDR Presets for Adobe Lightroom

The HDR (High Dynamic Range) technique allows you to retrieve and use the information in all areas of the image, regardless of their exposure, so that you can create images with lots of details in the darkest and lightest parts of the image.

HDR PRO contains 10 exclusive HDR Lightroom preset to suit your style, from natural looking to surreal and artistic. The easiest and most powerful way to process your HDR images, this collection of Lightroom presets is a must-have tool for improving your digital workflow.

All our presets are 100% non destructive, meaning you can reset with just one click to the images original state, keeping your original Raw image always safe.

Filters included:

HDR Black & White Punch
HDR Black & White Punch –
HDR Black & White Punch – Sepia +
HDR Black & White Punch – Sepia
HDR Punch –
HDR Punch ++
HDR Saturation –
HDR Saturation +
HDR Shadow –
HDR Shadow +

۱۰ Lightroom Presets (.lrtemplate)

Installation and usage instructions can be found inside the archive (PDF)


RAW format
Digital Negative format (DNG)
TIFF Format
JPEG format
Photoshop Format (PSD)


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دانلود 10 پریست لایت روم HDR PRO 10 Lightroom Presets
دانلود ۱۰ پریست لایت روم : HDR PRO 10 Lightroom Presets

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